
Thursday, July 7, 2016

Choose Joy

I know, I know. It has been a LONG time since I've written and truth be told, there's really no excuse for it. I've been meaning to, but a lot of the time my intentions fall short of becoming reality. Today, after a lot of twiddling my thumbs and the repeated suggestion from my friend that I write, I'm finally sitting down to do just that.

The reason I haven't written recently is because I've felt as if I don't have much to say. This summer has been filled with summer school (yuck), spending time with friends and family and a whole lot of down time. Even right now as I'm typing this, I don't know what I want to say. The Lord has taught me many a thing this summer. Mostly about finding contentment in this season, choosing joy every morning and trusting His good and perfect plan in all aspects of my life. And in all of this, I've felt His peace fall over me.

One of my favorite things to do is watch the sunrise. There's something so incredible about watching the dawn of a new day. I'm in a season of life right now where a lot of exciting things lie on the horizon. God has blessed me with new opportunities to look forward to and people to build relationships with. Looking forward, I'm so optimistic for the things that are ahead. I look at all of these new prospects like I look at a sunrise- with joy and thankfulness. I'm joyful because I serve a good and perfect God who makes every single day a gift because I get to live this life for Him. I'm thankful for His blessings. I'm thankful that He loves me so much more than anybody on this earth. I'm thankful that I get to love Him and know Him and adore Him.

So, I want to encourage you with something. Don't let yourself be so busy that you forget to thank Him. Slow down long enough to look around and thank Him for the ways that He has blessed you. Choose to be joyful even if you feel heavy laden because we serve an awesome, amazing, beautiful God.

I want to leave you with a verse that I've gone back to several times this summer-

"You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore." Psalm 16:11.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. friends. It means the world to me!

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