
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Find Rest

It's 7:30 p.m. right now and I've already considered going to bed. Exhaustion has finally hit. All of my teachers decided that this week would be a good one to dump all homework, quizzes and tests on us. But it's okay. It's life. It's college.

I don't really know what I came here to write tonight. I've been sitting on the couch for the past 20 minutes, watching my candle flicker, trying to find a little inspiration. A little insightful nugget to hit y'all with. I started thinking back to my last blog post and how I talked about how I had been feeling restless and then I started thinking how so completely faithful the Lord is.

Since writing last time, the Lord has revealed to me a little bit in every area of my life. He has taken every one of my worries captive. He's reassured me in huge ways. And He has shown me that even though I think I've got it, I don't. He does.

He has my major in his hands. He has my relationships in his hands. And when I prayed for a peace to settle over me in my current place in my life- He granted that to me. On top of that, He is giving me a greater understanding of who He is and how He works, in the small ways and in the big ways. God is taking me from a place of restlessness to a place of rest and in that, I am being blessed. In the most unexpected ways and through unexpected people.

So no matter where you are right now, I hope that you are seeking out the Lord. Even if something feels really small or so big, God has you in His arms and He is forever faithful in that. He loves you more than anybody ever will. And that kind of love is hard to fathom. But He gives it. So take your worries and fears and joys and triumphs to the One who created them. Nothing is hopeless because all hope is in Him.

Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings and I hope the rest of your week is full of good conversation, great laughs and fulfilling moments.


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