
Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Well first off, I think it can be said that I'm a pretty inconsistent writer, BUT I'm determined to be better at this blogging things because I genuinely enjoy it. I hope that everybody's New Year has been fulfilling and that nobody has broken their resolutions!

I wanted to start the year off with something that has been sitting heavy on my heart recently and something in particular that I've been struggling with. Restlessness. Throughout this past semester, I've struggled to find contentment in the things that used to bring me joy. I've lost sight of the goals that I had set for myself. I've found myself asking "Why God?" and "What do you want from me God?" I've been searching for purpose, to little or no avail. I've fallen into a state of restlessness.

Restlessness comes in seasons. That time in life where we wonder if the path we're on is really the path that God has for us or if the place that we're in is the place that we're supposed to be. We're restless and we're looking for something more. This is what makes us so completely human and it shows that we serve a completely perfect God. This shows that we were meant for something more, that we are made for a place that is so perfect where we will never feel restless. Where we only feel content.

I want 2016 to be the best yet. I want to be a blessing to somebody, but I also want to be more open to letting others to bless me. I want to find contentment in my current place in life. I want to pursue Christ in a more steadfast and consistent way. I want to replace the restless feeling with a feeling of purpose and meaning. I want to be sure of my talents and gifts, and I want to use these gifts to further His kingdom, not mine.

That is my hope for you too. God says, "Come to me, all who are burdened and heavy laden, for I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28). Lay all your burdens, joys, feelings of restlessness and hopelessness at His feet for He is the only one who can truly satisfy. It took me casting off the selfishness and pride of my wants and turning them into what God wants, to truly understand the way the He does and will satisfy. That's my hope for you.

Now, here's to 2016. The best is yet to come.

1 comment:

  1. Your wisdom and insight is beyond your years Kristen. I love that you do this and I love you. Dad
