
Friday, February 6, 2015

Lessons Learned

First off, I started this blog with the intent of writing every one or two weeks. Well, that hasn't exactly happened has it? My goal is to start doing this on more of a regular basis. I find that writing down my thoughts and feelings has been extremely therapeutic, especially in this season of my life.
Matthew, my brother, comes to his first Clemson game.

 October 2014.
 I thought that in today's post I would update those interested on some of the small tid bits of my life since arriving at college almost 6 months ago (I would just like to say that time really does fly, this seems like yesterday). College has been everything that I thought it would, but also in a sense it has surprised and tested me in ways that I never thought it could or would. I've been taught new lessons and I am constantly learning new lessons everyday. I've learned things about myself. I've learned how to be independent of my parents and how to take care of myself (grocery shopping, laundry, managing my money etc.) I would like to stop right here and take a moment to thank my parents for everything they do for me and my sister and brothers. They are truly the best of the best. I've learned that there are some great people and not so great people in this world; that choosing your friends wisely is so important because they really do have the greatest impact on you while you're away from home. You are who you hang out with. The most important lesson, out of the many that I've learned everyday, is that putting your faith and trust in the Lord is the most important thing you can do in this period of our lives and in every period for that matter. I've grown closer to Him in these past six months than I have over the entire span of my walk with Him.
Passion, a conference for college students held at Phillips Arena in Atlanta. January 2015.
College is hard. It can be lonely and exhausting and challenging. But it's also awe-inspiring and exciting and trans-formative. I could not imagine taking this journey without Christ by my side. He truly holds me in and comforts me and protects me and watches over me every second of everyday. I find Him more and more beautiful everyday. Over these past months, there have been changing relationships, startling realizations, heart-wrenching times of despair and grief, mountain-top moments where everything is absolutely fantastic, and more than anything in these moments, I want to take nothing for granted. I never want to leave a single moment with someone UN-appreciated because life is full of beautiful moments.
A true "Tigertown" sunset
So that's my goal. To never leave a moment untouched. To grow into a woman of God. I pray that the Lord would indeed lead me where my trust is without borders because sometimes the hardest thing is trusting that everything will be okay. And letting go. These next four years are full of uncertainty. But I am certain that no matter what happens or where these years take me, I will constantly and steadfastly trust in Him.

Clemson University or bust

More later,


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