
Friday, February 27, 2015

Trusting in Trials

I don't know about you, but I constantly feel like I'm being pulled in a thousand different directions by a million different people. I know for me, this can be overwhelming. Sometimes it feels like there aren't enough hours in the day to see all of the people I need to see and talk to as well as doing all the things I need to do. Recently, I've felt particularly overwhelmed by life. The Lord has been testing me and pushing me to confront situations that I would have preferred to avoid because, lets face it, I hate confrontation. I guess through all of this though I've been learning the art of trusting in Him. This is so hard, especially when you have trouble giving it all to Him. Because you're a control freak. I'm a control freak when it comes to my life. But choosing to trust Him and to fully let Him have the reigns in your life is a stunning and groundbreaking thing. To say "Okay God, I give this fully, 100% to you. Because You are the One who created me. You created me to live my life singing of Your glory. So why wouldn't I fully trust in you?" I think it's so easy to get caught up in the little (and big) things. There are things that are going to shake me and bring me to my knees. There are people that my heart breaks for and there are people who have broken me, but knowing that I can trust that the Lord hems me in before and behind, that is a phenomenal assurance. I trust Him because He knows how things in my life will pan out. I don't, but He does. And that's beautiful.

Much love,


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